M R Hospitals – Alcohol De-Addiction Centre in Chennai
Addiction to substances is a many layered affliction. From imbibing the substance and experiencing the high (altered state of consciousness) for the first time to getting physically and psychologically dependent on the substance, is a journey that is sometimes slow sometimes quick. And it always creates a ripple effect in the lives of the user and his immediate circle of family, friends, co-workers, neighbours and acquaintances. In the end the abuse of the substance causes a tremendous personality change in the user and those who care about him. Thus the illness is not just in the addict but is transferred to the caregivers too making them co-dependent. Thus the need of a rehab in India.
M R Hospitals – Alcohol De-Addiction and Liver treatment Centre the best known centre in Chennai, India is perfectly placed to understand and assist with this problem that affects the person and becomes a family illness. Comprising of a trained team of psychiatrist, therapists, CBT counsellors, Life Coaches and peer counsellors in M R Hospitals Alcohol De-Addiction Center in Chennai is the best rehabilitation center in India which offers personalized therapy programs. These are designed for the individual along with family counselling that aids the Patient.
This department is headed by Dr.T.Sreekanth & Dr. Sreeram.
Our Method
Our experience with De-Addiction in India has shown us that patients and their families need a very personal approach. Though the problem is the same, the nature of its manifestation is different in every family. As such M R Hospitals has programs that are highly individualized to suit the needs of every patient. Our approach is holistic and involves a medley of therapies that suit the requirement. This makes M R Hospitals the best in kind in India. Our goal for every addict is to help them become acceptable, responsible and productive members of their societies and for the entire family to find a joyous life free of addictive and co-dependent patterns of living.