
Each one of us have an inherent desire to put forth our best appearance, and thus, external appearances are an important facet of our self-esteem and confidence. The department dermatology at M R Hospitals, Chennai specializes in the study of skin and treating skin-related diseases and pathology – thereby helping patients with skin and hair ailments, blemishes and/or other skin disorders.

The Department of Dermatology at M R Hospitals, Chennai offers excellent treatment and care for a wide range of skin disorders. We have an excellent team of doctors who are expert in diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. Our Senior Doctors are well known skin diagnosticians of national repute and has also authored many books including those on treatment of skin diseases. We remain committed to holistic and comprehensive treatment for our patients and feel that correct diagnosis is key to successful treatment of skin disease.

In addition to personalized case history and a physical state examination, we conduct a comprehensive set of tests at M R Hospitals, Chennai to accurately diagnose skin, hair and nail. Some of the commonly employed tests include:

Wood Light Test: Black Light or Wood Light diagnosis is most commonly used to identify any white spots (leukoderma) or superficial bacterial or fungal infections in the skin.
Biopsy: This is the most important investigation for correct diagnosis in dermatology and correlation of biopsy findings with physical examination of the skin is the gold standard for diagnosis of skin, hair and nail diseases. Our senior Doctors have taken special training in interpretation of biopsy specimens.
Well equipped laboratory back-up at Global Hospital provides reliable support for management of allergic and autoimmune skin diseases.

We at M R Hospitals in Chennai, department of dermatology offer comprehensive treatment and care for all skin related ailments. These includes all types of skin allergies of all types including urticaria and eczemas as well as autoimmune skin ailments like psoriasis, vitiligo (leukoderma), lichen planus, pemphigus and alopecia areata to name a few.