Prevention is better than cure. How?

According to a report published by World Health Organisation (WHO), chronic diseases are causing increasing deaths worldwide. Non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular diseases, Cancer and diabetes are taking toll on health.

Causes of illness?

  1. Lesser physical activity leads to health issues like joint pains, obesity, heart diseases etc.
  2. Mental stress is the main cause of mental illnesses like depression which can be also associated with heart issues, fatigue, tiredness, insomnia etc.
  3. Junk/fast food, foods rich in sugar, sodium, and fats is what we indulge in due to the lack of time to prepare fresh food. Lack essential nutrients in diet.

Preventive Measures

We all know that “prevention is better than cure”. So, preventive measures like following a healthy lifestyle including healthy diet, regular exercise and regular health checkups prove to be important.

Regular Health Check-up:

We often go to the doctor only when we have some health issue. We usually don’t even think about getting annual or periodical health checkups done.

A master check is recommended by medical professionals repeatedly because it comes with a bouquet of benefits, some of which are:

Early detection – A master check helps identify any signs of a chronic disease early on. Earlier the detection, easier is the treatment or prevention measures.

Wake-up call – A master check very often serves as a wake-up call. We tend to take our health for granted and neglect our body, this is especially true of ageing issues.

Warning signs for inherited health issues – A master check considers family history and conducts specific tests to identify them. Discovering warning signs at an early stage helps in combating the disease more effectively.

An investment with good returns – A regular master check actually turns out to be a wise decision, as detecting and treating a disease early goes a long way in saving time, energy, effort and money.

For a healthy life, it is better to choose preventive measures rather than struggling to get cured in later stages as these un-called illnesses not only bring in a lot of stress but also go heavy on the pocket. Want to know more about healthy lifestyle tips or preventive health checkup?

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